Key Theories:
• Hypodermic Syringe
• Cultivation/Drip Drip
• Marxist Hegemony
• Liberal Pluralism
• Uses and Gratifications
• Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
• Stuart Hall- Reception theory
• Schadenfreude
Audience is passive, do what you're told, media controls you
Active audience, opposite of passive audience
Hypodermic Syringe:
Media is injected into you and you have no say on the matter. Permanent and instant change on you, you are powerless. Advertising relies on this theory- making you go out and buy stuff
Bobo doll- Social Learning Theory
Jamie Bulger case
- Injecting audience- instant hit/need to buy music
Cultivation/Drip Drip
Slowly feeding you with an ideal, the more you’re exposed to it the more you will take it in- desensitisation
- Offering our audience an innocent ideal before the desensitisation
- Music video- constant twitter feed and website update, news page etc
Marxist Hegemony
Top- Bourgeois elite (make the media)
Below- Passive masses (believe what they read/hear, ‘thank you for telling me that’, do what you're told)
Not so much now- more outlets, citizen journalism
Liberal Pluralism
Lots of views and lots of voices
Choose where you find your information, different truths
- Intelligent, insightful, smart teenager, fighting against stereotypes
- Using social media to comment on issues, going against hegemonic values
- Empowered women, not sexualised
Uses and Gratifications
Using the media to give you things that you want
The audience is active, we use the text, we are not used by it
Used for our own gratification or pleasure
- Diversion: everything together, website, Instagram (following someone’s life)
- Escapism: two worlds, not pleasuring but challenging, attaching an idea to story
- Information: from Ivory’s news page on website, twitter and social media, magazine article
- Pleasure:
- Comparing relationships and lifestyles with one’s own:
- Sexual stimulation
Taking pleasure from other people’s misfortunes
Makes you feel better about yourself
Water Cooler effect
The idea of gathering around to talk about something with a group of people
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Use the media to provide self-esteem, love/belonging
For us we provide belonging, be a part of Ivory’s fan club
Esteem- model yourself on our artist
Reception theory:
- Dominated/ preferred: they believe everything they are told is true.
- Negotiated: does not believe everything that media says, but believes some.
- Oppositional: will not believe anything the media says.
Psychographic: working out your audience, describing your typical audience member.
Who are your target audience?
How the audience received it?
Difference between the message and how it is received?
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